Thursday, August 18, 2011

My first post

   First off I'd like to thank John LaSota for inspiring me to start this thing. I figure with all the shit I see on a daily basis, or the random thoughts that run through my skull it might interest well, probably nobody. But here it goes.
   I suppose I think writing my shit down will bring me some profound wisdom about myself but I'm sure I'll read most of them and delete them before they ever see the light of day. Fact is, I don't think I'm all that interesting and the things I find funny or cool most people will probably find odd. I mean come on, I watched the Addams Family yesterday and all of a sudden wanted to live in an old mansion and just be the town weirdo. But that's just who I am, at least in my head. I don't think people perceive me as odd, but that little voice in my head is always saying "Don't say too much" or "You're not saying enough". I just can't win.
   So we'll see if this is a one and done thing. I kinda hope not but like I said, most of what I write will probably be deleted before I hit send. Don't keep your hopes up.

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